Sunday, January 22, 2012

Blessings of the Lord

Hello Family!

I don't have any clever introduction today, so I'll just jump right into it.  This week has been one of the most amazing of all of the mission.  Recently I was getting kind of down.  I felt like we were working so hard, and yet with almost no results.  Our investigators just weren't progressing, and I was really starting to get frustrated.  On Wednesday, we had interviews with President, and in my interview I started to talk about the feelings, frustrations, and challenges that I was facing.  He offered me some advice, and reassured me that as long as I was doing my very best, the Lord would do His part.  It made me feel a lot better, and I left with a new confidence in the Lord's ability to help His children progress in His Church.  After this we saw a weekend with so many blessings, I could hardly believe it.

Gladys's ¨husband¨ did not have any interest in our message, and was against getting married so that Gladys could get baptized.  We had a lesson with him on Thursday, where I truly saw the Spirit change someones heart.  We explained the Law of Chastity, why it is important, why we need to follow it, and the blessings that they would receive.  At the end, he understood why, and is now willing to get married.  Also, he is going to sacrifice working on Sundays to go to church.  Two beliefs, or struggles that this man has that I never thought we would be able to change.  And in the end, we weren't able to change him.  But the Spirit of the Lord was able to soften this man's heart, so he could understand the importance of living the commandments.  He is now progressing very quickly, reading the Book of Mormon, and accepting all that we teach.

We have seen similar miracles all weekend.  We received more references from the members of this ward in 4 days than in the rest of our 2 transfers.  We had more people come to church this week than any other.  The list of blessings that we received doesn't seem to end.  We were able to find an old investigator who has renewed desire, and if all goes well, will be baptized on the 28th.  It truly has been a week of miracles.        

Moral of the story.  The Lord tries us.  He lets things happen to us to test us.  He tests our faithfulness, and if we endure it well, we receive more blessings than we know what to do with.  I know that is true.  I know that every one of us has challenges, and at times it feels like the Lord has abandoned us.   He will never abandon us.  He will always bless us, when we endure our challenges with faith, hope, and confidence in him.  It is my prayer that we will always have confidence in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  When it seems like we just can't do it anymore, we can.  We have the most powerful being in the universe on our side.  He loves us and wants to bless us.  We just have to ask with faith and endure.  I love my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  I know that He loves every one of us, and He is always by our side during times of struggle.  He is always there to ease our burdens, and just when we think we can't do it anymore, He steps in and takes the load from our shoulders.  

I love you all.

Elder Riley Ted Reeder  


I just had to tell you!  So get this--at interviews on Wednesday, President's wife told us that we have to pee sitting down--because its healthier!  CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT?!  We just about all died.  I think that it sounds more dangerous!  (ha ha)  Just thought you would get a kick out of that.


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