Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Hello Family!

This week was a great one!  Highlight of the week was definitely the baptism.  On Saturday we were able to baptize Santo and Flor.  They have been investigating the Church since May.  When the missionaries first started teaching them, they said that they wanted to get baptized, and that they were going to get married in September.  Lots of people say...we will get married on such and such a date and get baptized, and then they never follow through, so the missionaries were sceptical.  But we kept with them, and they followed through.  They were so ready.  Santo is going to be an amazing priesthood holder and leader in this ward.  Anyway, the baptismal service went really good.  We got lots of members to come, and even the Stake President came.  We had Pedro Castellas baptize them, because he knows them, and he did a great job.

The Spirit was so strong.  It just testified to me again of the importance of baptism, and that they were making a correct decision that will bless them for the rest of their lives.  It is amazing the change that comes over people when they are truly converted to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  I have been thinking a lot about that lately.  It is so important that we have that excitement and love for the Gospel that new converts have.  They just eat up everything we teach them and have such a desire to learn more.  I hope that we all keep that desire to learn about the Gospel, because there is always more to learn!  Anyway, that was such an awesome experience.

Also, on Sunday, Elder Day and I had the opportunity to give Mami (one of Elder Days' converts) a blessing.  I did the anointing, which was pretty scary because I had to do it in Spanish, but it went good.  The power of the priesthood never ceases to amaze me.  It is such a blessing in our lives. 

Also, yesterday the President of the D.R. came to Barrio Nuevo!  (The little town that was demolished by the storm.)  There were cops everywhere!  It was kind of scary walking through the street because everyone thinks we are from the CIA, so they probably thought we were after the President or something.  But anyway, we walked up to the road where we had a visit and they had the road blocked off, no one could enter or leave.  We were pretty disappointed, but then all of the sudden this big-wig guy with a headset in came up and told the other cops to let us in.  We were the only people they let in.  So we went in, taught the visit, and left.  I don't know who told him we could enter, but I'm confident it was a blessing from the Lord to allow us to accomplish our work.  

One thing I have noticed is there are miracles in our lives every day.  Every single day.  We just have to look for them.  It may not be something big, but nonetheless it is a miracle.  I have a challenge for you guys.  (Sorry, I'm a missionary.  We like to leave people homework!)  Look for a miracle every day, and write it down.  When you sit down at night and think about your day, I promise there is always a miracle!  A teacher in the MTC told me to do that, and it has really changed my attitude.  

Anyway, all is good here in the DR.  I hit 4 months this week, which is pretty crazy!  I can't believe how much I have learned in such a little time.  I am so grateful for the opportunity that I have to be a missionary.  Sharing the Gospel is so much fun!  It really is what makes us truly happy in life. 

Testifico que el Libro de Mormón es la palabra de dios.  Yo sé que Moronis promesa es verdadero.  Por medio del espíritu santo podemos saber la veracidad del libro de mormón.  Yo sé que si seguimos los enseñanzas del evangelio, dios nos bendiga.  Jesucristo es nuestro salvador.  Solamente por medio de su expiación podemos ser limpio de nuestros pecados.  Yo sé que Jesucristo vive, y que nos ama, y si nosotros preservemos hasta el fin, podemos vivir con Dios.  

I love you all so much. Thanks for everything you do for me!

Elder Reeder      

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