Saturday, May 19, 2012

Mother's Day Phone Call

Hello Family,

I really don't have a whole lot to say today, because--well--we talked yesterday!  Thanks so much for talking to me!  Sometimes we don't realize how great it is to talk to someone, until we can't do it!  Anyway, it was great to hear your voices and to know that you are good! 

Mom, I hope you had a great Mother's Day.  I really do have the best Mom in the entire world!!!  I'm so grateful for everything you have done for me throughout my life, and especially throughout the mission.  I appreciate everything about 1,000 times more now, thanks for everything!!! 

I just want you all to know that I love you!  I'm so grateful for the family that I have.  I couldn't imagine a better one. 

I am grateful for the gospel in our lives.  I pray that we never take the gospel for granted.  There are more than 6 billion people in the world, and of those, only 15 million have the blessings of the restored gospel in their lives.  We were born in the gospel, and have received the blessings of the temple.  Last week, I went to the temple for the first time since September.  The temple truly is the house of God.  Attend the temple as often as possible!  Don't let anything stand between you and the temple. 

Don't let anything stand between you and attending church.  Don't let anything stand between you and the blessings of our Father in Heaven!  I know that Jesus is the Christ.  He lives!  He loves each and every one of us.  I know this is the true Church on the earth today, and that it is led by prophets and apostles who are called of God.  I know that if we are faithful, we will receive all that the Father has. 


Elder Riley Ted Reeder

Graduation, Birthday, TEMPLE!


Sven is an official college graduate.  Sweet!!!  How was it?  Do you feel smart and professional now?  I hope so!  I hope everything went well, and that you guys all enjoyed a good steak dinner for me! 

Also, Keagan, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!! I know you can't read, and don't have a clue who I am, but I hope you have a great birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

This week has been an extremely interesting week personally.  I feel like I have learned more this week than quite possible any other week in my life.  I know I have said that before, but I really do feel that way!  I'll jump right into it.

Ever since I got transferred to "Pueblo B", things have been a little bit hard.  I won't lie, I was quite frustrated to be staying in the same zone.  I wanted to get out, see different things, meet new people, all sorts of selfish desires.  Well, this attitude had been in my mind, and it was really effecting me as a missionary.  Well, the words of an apostle changed all that.  In the April Liahona, there is a talk by Elder Bednar that talks about the atonement.  If you haven't read it, read it!!  It was inspired for a missionary in the Dominican Republic, I think.  The part that really struck me, to my heart, was when he talks about Nefi.  He talks about when Nefi's brothers tied him up and were making violent threats against him.  He then mentions how Nefi prayed to the Lord, and instead of asking the Lord to change his circumstances, he prayed to have the strength to change his circumstances.  Wow.  I had been transferred from a great area to a super hard one, and in all of these things, I wanted the Lord to change my circumstances.

Well, I realized that what I really needed was the strength to change my own circumstances.  I need to work as hard as I possibly can, but I also need the help of the Lord to change this area!  This has led me to think about things completely differently.  When we have a challenge, or hardship in our lives, do we pray asking the Lord to take away our problems?  Or do we pray to be strong enough to overcome them, and to learn from them?  There are countless examples from the scriptures mentioned in this talk.  I challenge you to look them up, study and ponder this talk.  I know that it can really help each of us! 

Exciting news for this week is that I will be going to the temple this Wednesday!  Wahoo!  I can't even begin to describe how excited I am to go to the temple.  I haven't been since September!  Wow!  What a great way to celebrate Keagan's birthday?!  Ha ha

Well, for now, I don't have a whole lot to say!  I don't really know what the plan is for the phone call....I'm assuming that we will do the same as last time.  I will call Dad's cell phone again right?  I hope that is the plan...if not... I'll call the other numbers that I know!  ha ha

I hope you all have a great week!


Elder Riley Ted Reeder